Flowermate vaporizers have been around for a long time and have maintained a great reputation for performing great while staying affordable. They have a full line of vaporizers to choose from, but we’re checking out their V5 Nano hand held. The V5 Nano is capable of vaporizing herb as well as liquids / waxes with the supplied stainless steel pod.
Flowermate V5 Nano Review
A few of the key features of the V5 Nano include a removable 18650 rechargeable battery, a borosilicate glass mouthpiece that detaches and stores directly inside the vaporizer body and of course the precise temperature control with an OLED display. All for a bargain at $129.99.
Found in the box:
- V5 Nano vaporizer
- Loading cap
- Stainless steel wax pod
- Stainless steel herb pod
- USB charging cable
- Extra stainless steel screens
- Maintenance / cleaning kit
- Carrying pouch
Flowermate makes an extremely straightforward vaporizer that prioritizes usability above a fancy aesthetic design. It looks like a classic box hand held, with hidden compartments on the top and bottom of the vape.
A slide cover reveals the oven located on the top of the V5 Nano. The bottom has a trigger release that houses the battery as well as a storage compartment for the mouthpiece. Flowermate has incorporated this design into a few of their vaporizers and I’m a huge fan. Being able to unscrew the mouthpiece and safely stow it away inside the vaporizer makes it a perfect portable option.
The loading cap that comes in the box is a really fantastic addition! It tightly fits into the oven and secures itself using a magnet. It’s essentially a funnel for your herb to make loading the oven as simple and mess free as possible. The one issue with using threading to secure the mouthpiece is that it can easily get gunked up when loading / unloading the vaporizer numerous times. By providing a loading funnel you’re completely bypassing the threads and loading the herb directly into the oven.
Precise temperature control should be a universal feature in every new vaporizer. It’s always a pleasure seeing a vaporizer allow the user to dial in the exact temperature they want. The V5 temperature ranges from 40° C to 240° C.
Performance is king, and the V5 Nano performs rather well, especially considering the price point. The oven is large enough to accommodate multiple users in one session and still performs well when packed a little lighter. You can get very satisfying hauls right out of the gate. As far as efficiency and even heat distribution, it’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good!
Heat up time is ~30 seconds and you’ll get about 45-minutes of use before needing to charge up the battery (or swap it out if you have another 18650 on hand).
Overall I was really impressed with the V5 Nano from Flowermate. It performs well on all fronts and is very reasonably priced. No it’s not my favorite vaporizer, but without spending $200+ you’d be hard pressed to find a better portable vaporizer.
Get yours here: Tvape.com